Since every writer is convinced the work environment/culture starts at the top, we will make sure the psychological profile of the owner understands real people work at real jobs: This expands to work is not so separate from the triazls and tribulations of trying to have a family, starting a family, and actually having children.
The order of business for the satellite owner and central services franchiser is a buy-in of the emmployees in the rules. If everyone agrees how to make up for an off-day or more for an employee, people will feel a responsibility not to abuse the rules.
One of my rules, which I consider important, is prople not staying past 6 pm- even the owner. Running through the internal energy of people results in lower productivity and lower quality. Worker longer does not translate to worker smarter.
Hiring people with time to learn what they need for their future position is a great idea.
Holding meeting where everyone must contribute to the meeting - that is, everyone is heard and their contribution respected - keeps people on the same goals and feeling their contributions make them feel important.
I will try to do some interviews and if finding a good article on environment I will add that here.