How is Investing in Manufacturing Different?

Manufacturing is not like software where as soon as you are in you are looking for an exit. In 2016 liquidity of the "Unicorn" companies is a major issue for those wishing to cash out. Manufacturing keeps you in for the long haul with constant profits.

 Just like the turtle beat the hare, slow and steady may be the investment style you are seeking. 

Sometime ion the near future most of the software producing large returns will finally be written. Many great ideas are meeting reality in the internet world. Even in the area of central service all the necessary software will work just fine and the profit will then be in maintenance which is actually part of manufacturing.

Manufacturing investment is long-term investment. Maybe a smaller ROI but it just keeps coming in. And with the support of the manufacturing village the chance of continued success for any satellite company is somewhere around 95%. Your investment will be well protected by audits, training, and agility of small manufacturing. When the market changes so do we.

And while software is virtual, you can actually see the manufacturing plants in operation.

In regard to bonds, financial instruments, funds, and other amorphous invisible investments you are depending on others to create a return. With manufacturing - well it;s the bottom floor supporting all the financial instruments. Someone has to make and sell something to provide money for all other kinds of investment. That's us.